Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Hip Hop ledged and Queens New York native Nas has officially titled his album new “NIGGER” and yes you read it right. Of course the title is what the media and several civil right activist are talking about but and how this particular racial epithet will bring African Americans down as a culture and even fellow Queens rapper 50 cent told mtv news “why would you name ya album that?” My thing is I support the man Nas he has always been controversial when it came to politics and his social beliefs of how the black women should act like a queen 1st while other rapper sad ”fuck bitches” and most recently how hip hop is dead.

To me Nas music is timeless and each album speaks to that particular hip hop culture for that that year such on his last album “hip is dead” which raised eyebrows and in my opinion motivated other rapper to step their lyrical game up just a touch. Maybe this album will make America and the rest of the world see that the word “NIGGER” does not define black peoples intelligence, talents, financial and spiritual wealth, because of one or any other negative and ignorant racial slurs that will apparently never diminish no matter how much Jess Jackson gets upset at rappers or how many times we march to Louisiana or where ever.

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